Are you able to track how many customers you have in your facility in real-time?
With BoBCount you can do this easily and it’s free. Strategico Supply Chain has made available the counting functionality from the BoB inventory management system ( free of charge to assist with containing the COVID-19 pandemic. The system provides users with an admin portal and a mobile app. |

Watch the video to see how it works:
Register your free account at The system is cloud based and available as an App on IOS and Android making it easy to roll out and start using with equipment that is already available. (Mobile Phones) The principle is easy, consumers’ ID cards/Books are scanned when entering and exiting the Retail outlets. This gives an exact indication of the number of active shoppers within the premises at any given moment. A Dashboard can also be published in order to supply consumers with real-time congestion numbers within each store, giving the consumer the ability to decide to go shopping for essential goods when the store is not as busy thereby minimizing social contact. Apart from the info available to the consumer, it also allows the Retailers the ability to ensure that they are adhering to the regulations of limited number of consumers per outlet at any given time. Our Online platform was originally designed for Inventory Management but the Covid-19 Lock Down made us realize that we could also utilize the core functionality to assist in minimizing the risk associated with shopping for essentials during this period. The Platform is currently available so please do contact us so that we may help with setup for your outlets. We are making BoBCount freely available to all retailers during this critical time. |
Get the BoB Inventory management app free on the Apple App store or Google Play store